Sequence Analysis
We accept only NGS sequencing of the libraries you have prepared.
Flow Cell Type
TypeA :
Novaseq 6000 S4 flowcell v1.5 (200 cycles, 67bp + 155bp paired-end)
¥38,500 / 100 million clusters (200 million paired-end leads)
TypeB :
Novaseq 6000 S4 flowcell v1.5 (300 cycles, 151bp + 155bp paired-end)
¥44,000 / 100 million clusters (200 million paired-end leads)
Required sample volume
(per billion reads)
Liquid volume : 30 ul or more
Concentration: 10 nM (quantified by qPCR) / 10 mM Tris HCl, pH8.5
*Suspend in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5
* In DNA low binding tube screw cap to prevent library loss (sartorius recommended)
Provide information about the library you are sending us
Library quantitative data by qPCR
Library size distribution and concentration information in bioanalyzers, Tapestation, MultiNA, etc.
Unique-dual index information
* If a sample does not meet our recommended criteria, we may stop the analysis or ask you to resubmit the sample.
* Quantification by qPCR can be performed at our company (at an additional cost).
Number of samples
Acceptable from 1 sample
Multiple pooled samples are also acceptable
* poolしたライブラリ全体のシーケンスリード量は-10%を保証致します
* Variations in output within a pooled library are not guaranteed.
Lead Time
Please contact us