弊社技術を使用した論文が掲載されました。(Hiroki Furuya et.al., Nature Communications vol. 15,2024)
弊社サービスのTAS-seq法を用いたsingle cell RNAseqをご利用いただいた、千葉大学医学部附属病院 アレルギー・膠原病内科 岩田 有史先生らの論文が、Nature Communications(https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-49881-y)に掲載されました。
弊社技術を使用した論文が掲載されました。(S.Tsuda et.al., Front. Immunol., vol. 15, 2024)
弊社サービスのTAS-seq法を用いたsingle cell RNAseqをご利用いただいた、富山大学学術研究部医学系 産科婦人科学教室の津田さやか先生らの論文が、Frontiers in Immunology(https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2024.1401738)に掲載されました。
弊社技術を使用した論文が掲載されました。(M.Murakami et.al., Hypertension, 2024;81:361-371)
弊社技術のsingle cell RNAseqをご利用いただいた、東京医科歯科大学病院 糖尿病・内分泌・代謝内科の村上正憲先生らの論文が、Hypertension(https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.21446)に掲載されました。
June 27, 2022
Press Release "Success in Development of New Technology for Highly Sensitive and Accurate Detection and Analysis of Trace Amounts of RNA at the Single Cell Level" (Paper published in Communications Biology, a sister journal of Nature.)
A paper by Assistant Professor Shigeyuki Shichino, Associate Professor Satoshi Ueha, and Professor Kouji Matsushima of the Division of Inflammation and Immunology, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, Tokyo University of Science, and others on our original TAS-seq method has been published in Communications Biology, a sister journal of Nature.
TAS-seq was recognized as an analytical technology that surpasses existing technologies.
* We perform contracted scRNA-seq analysis using the above technology.
[Patent Pending] Owned by Tokyo University of Science and exclusively licensed by ImmunoGeneTeqs
Abstract and key points of the study
We have newly developed the TAS-Seq method, a single-cell RNA sequencing analysis method that can analyze minute amounts of RNA in a single cell with higher sensitivity and precision than existing technologies.
TAS-Seq has excellent sensitivity in detecting expressed genes and quantifying cellular composition, and can more reliably detect intercellular communication, which is difficult to detect with existing technologies.
By developing this research, more in vivo information can be obtained from a single cell, which is expected to contribute to the elucidation of the pathogenic mechanisms of various diseases and the advancement of drug discovery research.
Communications Biology articl
Tokyo University of Science Press Release
Japanese: https://www.tus.ac.jp/today/archive/20220627_5628.html
English: https://www.tus.ac.jp/en/mediarelations/archive/20220627_5628.html
English video URL: https://youtu.be/B803lwsiu9w
AMED Press Release
August 06, 2021
Our paper on highly sensitive cDNA amplification method (TAS-Seq method) was published in preprint server
A paper on highly sensitive cDNA amplification method (TAS-seq method) was published.
* We perform contracted scRNA-seq analysis using the above technology.
The TAS-Seq method is a cDNA amplification method with superior simplicity, sensitivity, speed, and cost (patent pending in 2019) that can accurately identify more gene expression information on a single cell basis than conventional methods. Currently, we are performing contract analysis using v1.5, which has a further improved reaction system and higher sensitivity.