
Next Generation Sequencing Service



Next Generation Sequencing Service



Next Generation Sequencing Service



Next Generation Sequencing Service

Next Generation Sequencing
Contract Analysis Service

Next Generation Sequencing
Contract Analysis Service

ImmunoGeneTeqs provides various next-generation sequencing contract analysis services including single cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq) and T cell repertoireanalysis using BD Rhapsody Express system and our own highly sensitive cDNA amplification method TAS-Seq. We provide a wide variety of next-generation sequencing services.

We can also prepare single cells by Rhapsody, frozen cells, and frozen tissues on site according to customer's request. Please feel free to contact us.

Single Cell

Examine the different ecologies of individual cells in complex tissues to understand the response of subpopulations to their environment.

Single Cell

Examine the different ecologies of individual cells in complex tissues to understand the response of subpopulations to their environment.

Single Cell
TCR Repertoire Analysis

Combines scRNA-seq and TCR repertoireanalysis to simultaneously analyze gene expression information for individual T cells and TCRα/β pair sequences required for clone reconstitution.

Based on the nature and frequency of each clone, it is possible to narrow down promising clones for TCR gene therapy, etc.

Single Cell
TCR Repertoire Analysis

Combines scRNA-seq and TCR repertoire analysis to simultaneously analyze gene expression information for individual T cells and TCRα/β pair sequences required for clone reconstitution.

Based on the nature and frequency of each clone, it is possible to narrow down promising clones for TCR gene therapy, etc.

Trace Samples

A method that allows quantification of expression levels in all transcripts in a cell by analyzing mRNA sequences in the cell.

Trace Samples

A method that allows quantification of expression levels in all transcripts in a cell by analyzing mRNA sequences in the cell.

TCR Repatoir Analysis

It can be applied to the detection of disease-associated T cells in autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, cancer, etc., analysis of increase/decrease with treatment, and analysis of specific responses to vaccines against infectious diseases.

TCR Repatoir Analysis

It can be applied to the detection of disease-associated T cells in autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, cancer, etc., analysis of increase/decrease with treatment, and analysis of specific responses to vaccines against infectious diseases.

Sequence Analysis

We only accept sequencing of your libraries.

Sequence Analysis

We only accept sequencing of your libraries.